Iran Persecute Kurds for Celebrating Newroz

Sanandaj, Kurdistan/Iran, Revolutionary Court , No 1, charged five Kurdish resident of Qorochiay village of Dehgolan district for celebrating Newroz in Kurdish on March 21. Arman, Afshin, Pouya, Salman Hosseinpanahi and Pouya Moqadam all have been sentenced to jail for celebrating Newroz (new year) in Kurdish tradition. Afshin and Pouya to one year; Arman Hosseinpanahi and Pouya Moqadam sentenced to 6 months in jail. They have been captured since March 11, ten days before new year.

Qorochiay is a village between Sanandaj and Dehgolan and one of the center of anti-state protests.

Source in Kurdish: